Geodes Wallpaper
Pattern Geode’s stratified layers of monochromatic color, tipped with a hint of metallic sheen, create a field of mushrooming organic shapes which capture and reflect light to provide warm elegance to any space. Ronald Redding wallcoverings artfully blend hertiage design with innovation to achieve the luxury of Modern Traditionalism. The 24 Karat collection exemplifies this blend of quiet sophisitcation and fine quality with the glamour of modern urban living.
Pattern Geode’s stratified layers of monochromatic color, tipped with a hint of metallic sheen, create a field of mushrooming organic shapes which capture and reflect light to provide warm elegance to any space. Ronald Redding wallcoverings artfully blend hertiage design with innovation to achieve the luxury of Modern Traditionalism. The 24 Karat collection exemplifies this blend of quiet sophisitcation and fine quality with the glamour of modern urban living.
York Wallcoverings always recommends visiting your local York Authorized Dealer, Showroom or Designer. These local partners have a vast product knowledge and can provide invaluable assistance with color and design selection, technical information, installation tips, referrals to local wallpaper installers, tools needed, etc.
Standard samples are 8″ x 10″ but may vary depending upon pattern.
Dimensions | 27 × 27 × 27 in |
Brand | York Wallcoverings. |
Collection | 24 Karat |
Color | Black |
Features | Unpasted – Washable – Wet Removable |
Material | Paper |
Match Type | Straight |
Repeat | 25.25 in |
Installation | Unpasted |
Product Dimensions Standard | 27 in x 27 ft = 60.75 sq ft |
Product Dimensions Metric | 68.58 cm x 8.22 m = 5.63 sq m |